jude's blog

1/3/25: internet finally back up

so my new power adapter came in the mail and was pretty excited to have working internet again. only problem was that my modem was acting strange and basically couldn't connect to the internet as a result. i was panicked at first, but after some digging around i was able to find a new and unused router that i received back when i first moved into this apartment. a phone call to my isp later and i have this new modem running and working perfectly well! it was one hell of a miracle that i just so happened to have a box full of cable equipment laying around from when my isp sent me that box a year ago. and here i thought that box was full of useless junk i was never gonna use. anyways, i'm very relieved i was able to resolve this whole mess, because i was scared that i wouldn't be able to, or it would take who knows how long.

but now that i have that chaotic evening out of the way, it's time to finally relax~

1/1/25: happy new years!

happy new year!! i can't believe it's already 2025. i think i made some pretty good progress on my 2024 resolutions, so here's hoping for the same eith my 2025 ones. i want this year to be one of healing and happiness, because that's what i want the most in life right now. i would love to be able to reach that goal sometime this year.

my internet cord got damaged this morning, but it's not the end of the world. gonna get a new one in the mail on Friday and can just use my phone and wifi until then. dunno if i wanna try html coding on phone though (despite doing exactly that right now as i write this blog post).

but that's all i can think of to write here for now. happy new year and here's to hoping 2025 will be a better year! ♥

12/30/24: what a day

well the first half of my day was certainly eventful. i was supposed to be at a work meeting at 10am, but ended up getting stuck in the world's slowest traffic for nearly two entire hours! i called my manager and they were pretty understanding of the situation and said i could just head back home and they would catch me up on what i missed. i'm definitely grateful for my manager for being so nice and understanding, but i also feel bad for not being able to make it to the meeting. but also the insane traffic was something beyond my control, sadly. well i'm not gonna let that ruin my weekend off work, so i'm gonna do my best to relax and also work on my neocities site some more! would also like to work on art and catch up on some shows. i still need to watch season 2 of squid game. i'm sure it's good, though~

12/29/24: blog is live!

hi hiiii! just wanted to give this blog an official launch update i guess. i have the next two days off work, so i'm definitely looking forward to getting some rest! also need to catch up on chores. also also have to go to a work meeting on my day off, but it's not the end of the world. that's a good opportunity to stop by somewhere for lunch :3

but uhhh that's all i can think of for now. hopefully my future blog posts are more interesting! i definitely plan to post any nice pictures i take and maybe some art/writing/music WIPs as well.

12/25/24: under construction

This blog is currently under construction. Check back again soon!
