(12/29/24) some updates
hi hi~ it's been a minute since i updated this. i've been adding some things here and there, including some update/chat boxes, an enter page, and a
blog! There's plenty more updates ahead, so stay tuned for those! other than that, i hope y'all have a happy new year! take care~
(12/25/24) merry christmas!
merry christmas and happy holidays everyone! i hope everyone is having a good one. i just finished my other pages, they're all accessible via the left sidebar. have fun and enjoy! ^-^
(12/24/24) interests page live
whew, i've been on a roll today. i think my
interests page is looking good enough to go public!
(12/24/24) about page live
about me page is now officially live! i'll probably continue to make more tweaks and changes to the page, so keep an eye out for that if you wish.
that's one page down and plenty more to go, but i'm having tons of fun while doing so!
(12/24/24) merry xmas eve!
it's christmas eve! i've also been making tons of changes and updates to this site, mainly working on the other pages and other design tweaks~
building html websites again really has been healing my inner child.
(12/23/24) WIP:
(this site is under construction. come back later~)